C'est la vie. C'est comme ca.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Not following Cabinet of Curiosities yet?!
You should!

The site is giving away the first THREE books in Becca Fitzpatrick's, "HUSH, HUSH" series!
Who wouldn't want to win that?
I certainly do!

See the site for more details at:

Definitely check them out! :D

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Why does nothing ever seem to work out for me? People seem so content with their everyday lives, so oblivious to the luck that they have. Why is it me that has to envy them? Why can’t, just for once, people envy me?
I’m so utterly sick of simply wanting, and never getting, dreaming, but never living. I just wish I could have what other people take so for granted. What’s overlooked by so many, but desired by so many more.
For once, I want to be appreciated, accepted.
But instead, I’m not.
At what point will we switch places? If at all..

Why don’t things just fall into place? Why doesn’t it work out for me? Why am I so different? Will I ever be good enough?
I’m sick of the endless questions and in turn, the non-existent answers..
I just want… things to work out… :’(

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What defines us?

What defines us? What sets us aside from others?
In the scheme of things, do we really differ from the stereotypes we follow? The ones we rebel against? Who decides who we become? Us? No, we’re too insignificant to choose our futures, just a star hidden among the wider universe, behind the brighter stars, the bigger planets. Is it our friends? Our family? Do their influences make that much of a difference in comparison? Or is it larger than humans, then living, breathing life?
What defines us? What makes us who we are as human beings, as individuals? I feel like a strand of hair, just forgotten in the tangles being brushed, overlooked for my accomplishments, and seen only in my failures, when my flaws are brought to light.
What defines me?

Clarity and Calamity.

Things go by too quickly. We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take the time to enjoy where we are. Days go by and we hardly notice them. Life becomes a blur. Often it takes some calamity to make us live in the present. Then suddenly we wake up and see all the mistakes we’ve made, but its too late to change anything.
Calvin & Hobbes

The previously posted quote.. Things go by too quickly. We’re so busy watching out for whats just ahead of us that we dont take the time to enjoy where we are… Is one of the most influential quotes I have read, and strangely enough, it is from a book of cartoons about a boy and his imaginary friend.
It’s definitely true that it takes a moment of calamity (ca·lam·i·ty/kəˈlamitē/Noun
1. An event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster.
2. Disaster and distress.) to truly appreciate the lives we live, the people around us and the luxuries we overlook, as well as see our individual life as it really is, without misconceptions, or rose coloured glasses. It takes just a moment of clarity to clearly see our mistakes, and understand our regrets. Sadly, just as fast as these moments hit, they fade, and as this clarity fades to oblivion, we’re left searching, unseeing.

How do I look?

When I put on make-up, or dye my hair, am I trying to look better to others or to myself? Do I feel better when someone else says I look nice? Or when I think I look nice? I honestly believe its the latter, because no matter how your dressed, if you feel happy about how you look, how your dressed and how you’re seen, you tend to be happier in general.
What do you think?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Alone in a crowded room.

Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?
Screamed, yet heard nothing but silence?
Have you ever sobbed from your heart,
but felt empty, helpless, lost?
Do you dream of your future,
or another reality?
Grieve for those lost,
or the memories long gone?
Are your smiles genuine?
Do you hide your pain?
Am I alone in this nightmare?
Am I alone in this game?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tomorrow is the future.

What do I want from life? From myself? My future seems like forever away, a distant dream. In reality it’s every step, every breath and every word. My future is being shaped by the choices I make, by the moments I regret, and the ones I treasure. It scares me how close I am to finishing school, to entering a new part of my life, a journey I’m not sure of.
Will I reach those goals I’m constantly striving for? Live the life I dream of? Meet my inspirations? There’s so much I want in life, from life, yet so little time to achieve it.

What If I don’t reach my dreams? What if I can’t? The uncertainty remains to circle my mind, constantly allowing myself to doubt. I wish I could be sure about what’s around the corner, even just up the street. I wish mistakes weren’t apart of life, and that I didn’t have to make them. But ultimately, wishing won’t make them happen, wishing will merely inspire. It’s up to me to allow them to come true.

Tomorrow is my future. Today was the past. It’s time to start accepting the challenge of life and living while I still have the opportunity. I feel as if my life hasn’t begun, while it started long ago. How do I begin something I’ve already started?