C'est la vie. C'est comme ca.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tomorrow is the future.

What do I want from life? From myself? My future seems like forever away, a distant dream. In reality it’s every step, every breath and every word. My future is being shaped by the choices I make, by the moments I regret, and the ones I treasure. It scares me how close I am to finishing school, to entering a new part of my life, a journey I’m not sure of.
Will I reach those goals I’m constantly striving for? Live the life I dream of? Meet my inspirations? There’s so much I want in life, from life, yet so little time to achieve it.

What If I don’t reach my dreams? What if I can’t? The uncertainty remains to circle my mind, constantly allowing myself to doubt. I wish I could be sure about what’s around the corner, even just up the street. I wish mistakes weren’t apart of life, and that I didn’t have to make them. But ultimately, wishing won’t make them happen, wishing will merely inspire. It’s up to me to allow them to come true.

Tomorrow is my future. Today was the past. It’s time to start accepting the challenge of life and living while I still have the opportunity. I feel as if my life hasn’t begun, while it started long ago. How do I begin something I’ve already started?

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