C'est la vie. C'est comme ca.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Stereotyping; How do you type with a stereo?

I’m a person who loves books. I read one every night and I read them constantly over and over. Obsessive? Maybe. But books give a feeling of escaping reality. No matter what’s going on in the real world, a book can almost completely take you away; take you to a different place, or time. The best part is that there are millions of books all around the world, about anything and everything you could possibly imagine. Because I think this way, it makes me a Nerd.

I know I'm stereotyped as a "nerd" because I enjoy reading.. But the funny thing is that I don't care?
In primary school it seemed like such an important thing to be popular.. To hang out with "the crowd" and that shit.. Yet in the last couple of years I've stopped caring.
If someone asked me who the most popular people were, I'd answer, "who gives a shit?"
Because honestly, no one will when they leave school.
& what are the benefits of being "popular" anyway?
No money?
No free health care?
No real respect..
In fact, a lot of them just get by with their looks, DEFINITELY not their brains, for example.. There is this girl in my year who me and my bestfriend constantly laugh at. She might be seen as "popular" or whatever by some.. but to us.. she's just a fucking idiot!
The following Quotes are taken straight from her mouth:
"Wouldn't there be more gravity on the moon?"
"If someone with a disability bites you.. do you catch the disability?"
It shocks me to imagine that someone can really be that stupid.
Those were just two of the idiotic things she's said.. I can't think of the rest..

Anyway.. What I'm trying to say is that no matter who you were in high school... The truth is.. No one will give a shit when you leave..
Except maybe employers..
I'm sure they'd rather hire someone who tried in school.. rather than someone who spent their days trying to be "popular". Thats my definition of sad.
Plus, like they say "Be nice to nerds, you could end up working for one" That quote makes me smile. I believe it's very true..
I've also noticed that those girls seem to argue a lot.
I've never fought with my bestfriend.. yet they spend a whole class (I know this from experience) complaining and bitching about things that I honestly don't give a shit about..
But I just Smile & Nod, and pretend I'm listening.. It'll be their fault when they're working for me, 'cause I'm going to be rich and famous some day, and when they are working for me, I'm not going to take ANY shit from them. I'll just turn around and be like, "suck it up, princess"

I'm not really afraid to say I'm a nerd, it's the truth..
Of course I'm not like a total dork... I don't stay indoors to study, or wear funny clothes (I think)
I'm not one of those socially retarded nerds like on, "beauty and the geek"
But I do like reading.. and writing.
I work hard for what I want.
& try my best at school.
If that makes me a nerd, so be it.
But who really cares?

As I said, I used to want to be popular... Of course.. That had to be the time when I had braces.
& yeh, I copped a few jokes from it.
But who gets the last laugh? MEEEE HA!
Because now those people, have braces themselves.
So obviously when I'm passing them in the hall, I casually snicker and "cough"brace face"cough"
Thats fair right?
What is it they say about Karma?

This blog probably won't mean anything to anyone.
It won't save the world.
In fact, it won't do anything.
But one day when I look back on this blog, when I read all my thoughts and experiences and remember my teenage years, I'm probably going to laugh at how I saw myself, at how everyone saw themselves.

I'm going... To have dinner and relax for the rest of the night, 'cause I can.
Birthday countdown: 4 days. yewwww!
P.s. When I write a book, everyones going to buy it, right?
P.s.s. Karma's a BITCH.

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