C'est la vie. C'est comme ca.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Men in suits (:

Men look good in suits.
I think that men should just ALWAYS wear suits - 'cause they look so damn good.
I went to a Cabaret last night, it was amazing to say the least..
Two of my bestfriends were dancing in it.. they were great!
One of them had a hell hot dance partner, I'd start dancing just to dance with him.
I also made a huge fool of myself.. I made a friend there and we decided we'd try to learn to do the barn dance. So we got up.. in front of over 100 professional dancers.. and had a go.
We weren't so good. In fact, I think we were terrible.
& it didn't help that my dress kept falling down.
I didn't even realize that they played the song twice - furthering my embarrassment.
We learnt by following the people in front of us.. who also had trouble with it..
When we finally sat down, we were completely breathless, yet filled with excitement and adrenaline. So we got up again before the night was over and learnt 3 more dances, including a rather funny macarena (I don't think thats how it's spelt.. but oh well)
I had a great night.
It kind of made me realize how lucky I am to have friends like that.
Friends that comment on my dress, make me have a go at dances I have never even heard of, and friends that take photos of hot guys ass's.
I wonder how long this happiness and realization will last?
Probably till this afternoon. Oh well.
OMGsh, & the weirdest thing happened! Okay, so theres this song thats been like my favorite since I was little.. It's from the movie Anastasia and it's called "At the beginning, by Richard Marx and Donna Lewis"
Anyway, about 3 years ago.. when I first started going to Cabarets, I thought it would be the perfect song for my friend to dance to. I never told her, but I was always thinking that someone should do it.. THEN,
My friend went up to do her dance with her hot dance partner,
and out of millions of songs, guess what song they did?
I gasped, hahaha, went into shock.
More than a coincidence? maybe.
Wow. just, wow.

I Looked at a photo of Grandad just then. When I look at photos of him, or hear the word "Grandad" I feel like crying, yet I can't find any tears left to cry. I miss him a lot. But getting upset about it won't bring him back. It's strange to think he's no longer on this earth, he's no longer breathing, or seeing, or hearing. It amazes me how one minute someone can be alive and happy, then the next the opposite. As much as I know of death, the concept still shocks me. It doesn't feel like it's true, it feels like they're just on a really really long holiday. How can they possibly not be alive? Sharing the air I breath, or walking on the ground I walk on. It doesn't sound right. It doesn't feel right.

I bought another book yesterday. Yes, I am a major nerd, but honestly. I don't give a shit what people think about that. I am who I am. Deal with it.
Anyway, The book I bought is about Vampires. It's weird that I seem to be buying a lot of fantasy books lately, I used to always say that I didn't like fantasy. I like these books because they are so completely different from reality.. for a couple of hours I can just get away from everything and enter a world thats impossible in so many different ways.
I think it's extremely funny that I have a lot of people coming and asking me what books I recommend and stuff, but I don't get how people can not like reading in general.. So much can be learnt from them. I should work at a book store or something.. haha, except I'd spend too much money instead of making money.
Okay I'm going to stop with the nerdiness..It's just getting out of hand.

I was at church the other day at school (not by choice) and the priest put this like, slideshow on and one of the slides said "Before you complain about your life, think about the people that died too early" and it had a picture of flowers on the side of a road (someone must have crashed and died)
It really did make me think.. more than anything else the priest had said.
It was so true. So many people, including myself, spend too much time complaining and not seeing the bigger picture. Not seeing how lucky most of us are, to have things as simple as clean water or a family that loves us.
People need to appreciate what they have, because as my mum said the other night "everything changes" and as I have said in previous blogs "change is the one constant in our lives"

Anyway, I'm off.
I have nothing interesting to write about,

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