C'est la vie. C'est comme ca.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I love fictional men (:

Hey Bloggers,
I haven't blogged in a while, haven't been in the mood.
To be honest, I'm not really in the mood now..
But hey, isn't that the point of blogging?
Spilling your guts for no apparent reason..
Life's alright for the moment, I don't feel like crying in the fetal position..
Which is a good sign..

I don't think anyone really listens to me,
yeh, I'm greedy and selfish for thinking like that, I'm not the only one with problems.
but is it too much to ask for someone to just.. care?
I listen to my friends problems every day,
I give advice when needed,
sympathize with them,
The strange part is that no one asks me how I am.
Everyone is so wrapped up in there own problems these days.
Does no one else realize that they are not the only ones with problems?
Does no one realize that their are far worse problems than the ones they have?
Don't get me wrong, when someone needs someone to talk to, I'm all ears..
I think it's good that these people are able to have someone they can trust. I think problems need to be out in the open before they can be fixed.
But just because I give advice and listen doesn't mean I have no problems.
I am okay at the moment.
But some days I just want someone to listen to me for once.
Some days I just want to be the one thats heard, not the one that hears. I want advice and sympathy, not to just give it all the time.
Today someone said to me, "your too happy to be emo"
No, I'm not planning on going emo.. but the statement surprised me,
do I really look happy?
When most days I feel like utter shit.
I think people see what they want so see.. I know I probably do.
Also, I think a lot of people need to start watching what they say. A small un-influential comment they make might seem like nothing to them, but they can impact people in large ways.. even if they don't realize.
My friend said something to me the other day.. and I know she didn't mean for the comment to hurt me, I don't think she even realized it had. It shouldn't have upset me the way it did. Why don't people care about the use of words like "love" or "bestfriend" anymore?
The words are overused. I only use them when I really believe them, but others just chuck around the words.
Start to think about the things you say.

I'm listening to this song,
& I just realized its about a guy who cheated on his girlfriend, and she found out and he's trying to bribe her into getting back with him because hes going to "be a star some day"
Is it just me? or is something seriously wrong with that?
I think thats a terrible message to be sending - "So you found out I cheated on you, but hey, it's okay 'cause I'm going to be famous some day".
What's with that? I mean, it's a cool song. But the lyrics would be better if the message wasn't so obnoxious..

This week will be my last week as a year 10. Strange, strange indeed.
I can't believe how fast this year has gone..
& how much has changed along with the days.
But I'm glad the year is over,
No more P.E! No more Science!
More study though :(

I've bought a lot of books in the last months,
The Vampire Academy was definately my best buy this year,
almost as good as the Twilight saga.. ALMOST!
I also bought the following books:
Hush, Hush
A long with a lot more random books.
I never thought I'd enjoy fantasy books, yet I find myself buying a lot of vampire books..
I haven't read those books yet, as mum has stolen them and said that she'd pay for them, but I had to wait till Christmas.. ah!
P.S. I DIBS; Edward Cullen, Dimitri Belikov & Adrian Ivashkov (:
Hahahahaha, I love fictional men (:

Anyway, thats about it for the moment.
The reason the title is "Hush, hush" is 'cause I thought it kind of went with the blog.. y'know?
like when someone want's you to shut up they say Hushhhh.. or is it just me that does that?
& because I bought the book Hush, hush.. search it.. it has a MAD cover.
Fallen has a better cover though.. the best cover I've ever seen.. it was part of the reason I bought the book..
Hence why I'm now searching pictures of Gothic Angels,
'cause they look really cool - some people are so creative.

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