C'est la vie. C'est comme ca.

Monday, December 21, 2009

What hides in the darkness.

The other day Brittany Murphy died. No, I'm not a big fan. In fact, I wouldn't even be classified as a fan. I didn't know her and I didn't pay much attention to her, but someone somewhere is grieving her death. Whether it's her family, who must be in a great deal of pain right not, or her fans, who are wishing they had of appreciated her more.
She was 32 years old. She wasn't married and didn't have kids (as far as I know). It's sad that she never got the chance. Makes you want to appreciate what you have more. People can die so early.

Anyway, last night I was laying in bed reading. It was a particularly creepy book about vampires. So when I turned off the light, I became super aware of everything. Every noise made outside, every shadow that passed across my window and of course the dark. The strange thing is that as soon as I pulled my blanket up around my neck, I felt safer, calmer. A vampire comes to kill me in the night, but it's okay, I'm safe under my blanket, 'cause a blood sucking, strong, inhumane vampire can't get me under the covers safety. As long as I can remember I've always done this, always hide under the covers like it can protect me from anything. Sometimes it can be a particularly hot night and I'm absolutely dieing, yet I still remain hidden under the covers, afraid to move. Yeh I know I'm pretty pathetic, but the dark scares me sometimes. Everything seems scarier. I find it funny though, how having a cover over me makes me feel more protected. It's not like I'm scared of the dark, in fact I love it, I love the silence, the freedom my mind has to wander without distractions, the calm. But I do have my moments, when every movement makes me jumpy, so I use my phone as a torch, making my room look even more creepier with the shadows cast because of the dim light.

I've pretty much spent the last two days at home with my brother. I want to kill him. He is driving my insane. It just plain sucks that he's taller than me, of course he doesn't push me around, 'cause I can knock him to the ground easily, I think he's scared to hurt me, hahaha. If he does, he knows nothings off limits, I would go into his room and attack his things, not to mention the messages I would send off his phone to his female friends. Christmas is tomorrow, meaning mums in a shitty mood while she cleans everything for the family lunch tomorrow, I did the dishes for her, so of course she comes in and says "Why has nobody cleaned the cutting board?" Jeepers, no thanks for doing the dishes Shelby? My cousin will be in town today, which is great, she seems to be the only person who I can be myself around. Sure, I'm pretty much myself around my friends, but I'm always on my guard anyway. Whereas, when I'm around my family members I'm more myself, because they're family, so they can't just leave me (: hahaha, sucks to be them.
Wow, mum just turned on the super nice. She offered to take me into town this afternoon to go to the book shop (Of course) and then the dress shop place. Sweet.
I had my hair cut yesterday (like anyone really gives a shit?) so it made me feel a tad better about my self.

I shall hopefully post a more interesting blog in the next couple of days,
So until then, be safe, have a very merry Christmas,
& remember: It's not plagiarism it's just collective research (:

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