C'est la vie. C'est comme ca.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Life goes on.

Haven't blogged in a while, been kinda busy.
Actually. To be honest, I've just been lazy.
Yesterday I went to a Literature Workshop, and it was far better than all the others I've been to, until then, I had learnt the most from Archie Fussilo.
But yesterday, I met Markus Zusak. He is absolutely AMAZING! As is his writing, and his stories. EVEN his lies are amazing, hahaha.
I learnt a lot from him.. Such as how to make your writing flow better, describing things and telling good lies.
I wish I had of bought one of his books, so he could sign it..
or at least gotten a picture with him!

This week we booked our tickets to go back to Hawaii, awesome much?
I love it there.
I love the freedom
I love the hassle-less lifestyle
I love the beach
& the shops.
I love the Hawaiian accents
& the generosity and compassion of the people
Whats not to love, mann?

I've decided that it doesn't matter if I'm not the best writer.. Because most of the famous authors I have met were failing English when they were my age, & look where they are now?
I'm just going to try my hardest.. and keep trying.

I feel like I'm drifting from all my friends, it's a weird feeling and I want it to stop.
My friends mean a lot to me, but recently it's like I'm loosing everyone.
I've pre much lost contact with my bestfriend,
He doesn't even text me anymore..
On the odd occasion he will.. If I send him a message first.
& I'm always feeling like I'm being replaced.
abandonment issues?
I guess it's because It's because I never had a "group" in primary school.
Of course I had friends.. but I was always switching groups..
& now I worry that I'll just be replaced..
I wish it would stop.
I wish I wasn't so self conscience.
I wish I was more confident.
I wish I was truly happy.. Not worrying.
I sound ungrateful, but I can't shake the feeling of dread, that one day I'm just going to be forgotten.
Life goes on.

I seriously have nothing to say in this blog.
So I'm going to cut it short.
p.s. The guy on the top, left is Markus Zusak, hot right?
Shame he's married, & doesn't have a sandbox (personal joke)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My brain had exceeded it's bandwidth

The first half of this blog is dedicated to Amy Dransfield. She is mentioned 'cause she wrote a whole paragraph about me in her blog and it meant a lot to me. Amy & I became bestfriends in maths. Strange right? When we're in maths, I'm generally happy. She listens to me, and gives me advice. She makes me laugh and believes in me, even when I don't. I never thought we would be as close as we are now. She has all the same tastes and opinions as me, I think.. either that or she's just "smile and nod"ing. hahaha. She gives me clarity (stolen word, sorry Amy (:) and makes me see sense.. I honestly hope that we are friends forever, 'cause she means the world to me. I feel extremely lucky to have a friend like her, a friend that I can trust my life with, a friend that is always honest with me (except about spiking lemonade with vodka), a friend that I know I can trust to tell anything, a friend that knows the real me, yet still hangs out with me. She is my bestfriend.

Now that the soppy bit is done..
I was thinking today about what if it is easier to forgive and forget or seek revenge, after talking to one of my friends about a problem she is facing. I told her that she should just forgive and forget while she was set on trying to get revenge, but did I give her the right advice? I applied the same advice I gave her, to one of my own situations, with that Over-the-top-flirty-bitch that I was complaining about the other night. It didn't work, because I'm not going to forgive and forget and just let her get away with treating me like crap.. So why did I tell my friend to forgive the person that had hurt her..
I guess it's easier to stand from the outside and talk about a situation, rather than experience it.
If I was in my friends shoes, I'd probably be doing what she's doing. I would be angry and I would try to get revenge. Should I have said "yeh, go ahead and get revenge on he/she" ?
Or just what I had actually said, "wouldn't it be easier to forgive and forget?"?
The moral decision would have been what I said, but whats moral, isn't always right for you. You can certainly forgive, or try to. But how do you forget? When someone hurts you enough for you to want to seek revenge, then it's obviously pretty bad. How do you forget something that easily?
It just brings us back to where we started, it's easier to stand from the outside and talk about a situation, rather than experience it. Rather then feel the emotions, the sadness, the anger, the pain and maybe humiliation.
Whenever my friends say somethings wrong, when they say they don't know how to go on, I remind them that
"life was never meant to be easy"
I need to start taking my own advise...

I have to go, the computer has exceeded it's bandwidth and is going exceptionally slow,
Goodbye bloggers,

Monday, October 26, 2009

Made me giggle.

Happiness, loneliness, rejection and fun

Hahahaha, that previously mentioned slutty photo I mentioned is making me laugh, gosh.
Well.. not the picture, the comments..
Theres all these people saying that theres nothing wrong with it and they're just jealous.
ha, I. Think. Not.
I was going to report the picture.
But it's honestly not worth the effort.. The girl in the picture has already labelled herself a slut.
& her "friends" that are saying nothing is wrong with it, don't seem to be very good friends.
If she was my bestfriend, I would MAKE her take off the picture. Because I care about my friends.
Speaking of friends,
I've really learnt who my true friends are this week.
I've learnt that you have to adjust to the changes, in the people and the situations.
& if you can do that, you end up being pretty happy.
This weekend was a lot of fun, firstly.. I relaxed on Saturday, which was great as I was completely run down from school.
On Saturday night I went to my friends house, for a "gathering" which was the word I used to describe the evening to my parents when asking to go.
& on Sunday I went to the beach with my family.
In my books, this is a perfect weekend..
I would describe in more detail, but I honestly can't be bothered.

Today, I found out that the lemonade I was drinking on Saturday, was spiked.. with Vodka.
nice friends, right?
other than that.. the average day...
happiness, loneliness, rejection and fun.

I'm starting to worry about my career choice.. What if I haven't got what it takes?
I read things my friends have wrote.. and mine just don't compare.
Mine aren't as well written, or as.. perfect.
Why can't I just have something? Just one talent..
Life has been a downer.. until I decided what I wanted to do..
but now that I'm going back to worrying..
what have I got left?
Other than My family.. My family is the one thing that seems to keep me going, I feel safe, happy, hopeful when I'm around them.. yet when I'm not, I feel as if I'm going to fall apart..
Everyday I'm being judged, rejected, forgotten, replaced.. and the sad part is that I'm getting used to it.
I'm getting used to my friends just forgetting me when someone new comes along. I'm getting used to being unimportant and unappreciated.
What would happen if I died? Would these people start to realize my importance.. or just say..
"oh well.. I had nothing to do with it"
No, I'm not contemplating suicide.. DON'T WORRY! (:
I'm far too scared of blood and pain and hurting my family and friends.
But I do wonder.
What would a world without me be like?
In the past year I've learnt the importance of appreciating what you have.
looking on the brighter side of life.. and appreciating where I am in my life now.. instead of where I will be.
(still working on the last part)
I just wish that more people could understand that.. before It's too late.
I wish I had of understood before my Grandad, Nana and Uncle's died.
Because I would give almost anything, to just be able to tell them I love them.
& show them how much they'll be missed.
So to all my friends reading this blog; I love you.
& any randoms reading this; I'm sure someone loves you too.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Like I never Existed.

There is this this girl in my year that I really don't like.
Normally I just dislike a few people.
but I strongly STRONGLY dislike her (Hates too strong a word to use on anyone)
The feeling is neutral though.
She gives me like a death stare every time I see her..
& today she deliberately didn't sit with her friend (who also doesn't like her, but pretends to.. God only knows why?) because I was sitting behind her.
what a fool.
She is also a huge TEASE.. She flirts with every guy she sees.. & wayyyyy over the top.
Nobody likes her.. Even her bestfriend bitches about her to me..
But why stay hanging out with her?
I hope somebody tells me if I ever get that... annoying, not that that word covers it..

I seem to bitch about a lot of people on this blog.. but ya know what?
This is how I vent.
A public diary, for the world to see.
Because the world needs to feel my pain, hahaha.
Not that I've had any huge dramas recently..
Except in English..
My teacher got so mad at the class that she just didn't teach us.
& it pissed me off because it doesn't matter to anyone else in my class as much as me..
My exam score determines whether I can do literature next year..
So I was contemplating whether I should go see the deputy principal and ask them to do something about it..
drama queen much?
The thing is, the next couple of years determines my whole future.
So yeh, I'll do what I need to, to get where I want to be.
Luckily, my teacher arranged a new seating plan.. hopefully this will work.

It's finally Friday,
& I'm oddly tired.. School has just drained me this week..
Too much to think about!
Tomorrow should be good.
Going to my friends house tomorrow night. For his birthday.
Talking my parents into letting me go was definitely a challenge.
We compromised,
Until today.. When mum said that I can't go unless she comes in and checks whats going on.
I was like, "your kidding me, right?"
& of course. She said she was serious and if I didn't like it then I couldn't go.
Who the hell goes to a party? and brings their mother?
Oh god.
Well. That will be embarrassing.
Ha, I also found out today that we have to do this cancer council survey thing.. and they are going to weigh us.. and... MEASURE OUR WAIST'S!!!
We were in R.E(Religious Education) and the class was silent.
until I randomly said "Oh god" Then I rephrased, remembering I was in R.E and said "I mean, Oh gosh"
What the hell? or heaven maybe..
What type of teenage girl wants to be measured around the waist?.. unless your super skinny that is..
Also, today we were in scrapbooking.. and one of the boys in my class and I were looking at pictures.. Until we came across this rather pornographic picture of the guys from "all time low" (I'll put the picture at the top of this post)
So.. My other friend and I, decided to put it as his wallpaper.. (he's gay.. I think..)
He was laughing.. and we were laughing.. and it was all fun and games..
The teacher came around. You should have seen the shock on her face..
She asked him why he was looking at half naked men, and he replied by saying I WAS!
So, I denied it. It was instinct..
Then he continued to say..
"Of course this isn't mine! I like watermelons! I'm a MAN!!! I don't like Bananas.. I'm a man.. and MEN LIKE WATERMELONS!"
Holy shiz.. Me and my friend could hardly breath we were laughing so much. He also said that with hand actions..

It's funny(not really funny but whatev) how things can change so fast.
How one minute you can be so close with someone, then the next it's like you were never friends..
Then they replace you. Forget you. Move on.
Well, I've had 2 people do that to me in the last couple of weeks.
& now they'r like bestfriends.
Doing all the things I used to do with them.
It makes you feel as if your not good enough for them..
How can it be that easy to be forgotten?
"people change, things go wrong"

Enough about my day anyway..
I would REALLY like to know how people do those picture.. Ya know how there are those pictures with like some bits are hell colorful, while others are black and white.. It looks so good.. If you do it the right way.
Anyway, I'm off..

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Days without listening to Hamish&Andy: 4.
This withdrawal is harder then I first thought.
I am sooo tempted to click "Listen" on the site.
No Shelby. NO.
Oh, hell with it.
I'm listening to it tomorrow.. & no one can stop me!
except maybe dad.. or the broadband company..

I honestly don't know what to write in this post.. I've been sitting here for at least 20 minutes and I can't think of a simple interesting thing to say...
My day was pretty average. School work, friends, school work, worry, school work..
Nothing out of the ordinary..

Most girls used to dream of fairytales..
Used to dream of their own prince charmings,
yet now, strangely.. A lot of girls are dreaming of Vampires or Werewolves..
All thanks to Stephanie Meyer..
& sadly, I am one of those girls. One of the many crazed fans all across the world, obsessing over a fictional character, Edward Cullen. A Vampire that seems to make all other guys look pathetic.
Whats not to love about him?
He's perfect.. sure, a tad obsessive.. But who doesn't want to be obsessed over by a hot guy?
I'm the book fan, I'm not so fond of the movie, although, saying that.. I did buy the movie.
Robert Pattinson is NOTHING like Edward..
Kirsten Steward is NOTHING like Bella, infact.. She's kinda of annoying..
I love the books.. I'm hoping Stephanie Meyer brings out Midnight Sun. It's definitely my favorite in the saga.. Fingers crossed..
I personally think that books and writing are two of the best inventions of man.
They give a chance to escape reality.. To enter a world where anything is possible. I can be anyone I want, anything I want. I don't get how people can not like reading?
I think that they're just too lazy..
Although, if the first book you read was dead boring.. I suppose you wouldn't be fond of it.

Wow, I just saw the most wannabe picture I've ever seen in my life. It's so pathetic its sad..
She's in my year - and no.. not the same one that was posting Myspace porn..
But she's extremely up-herself.
She thinks she's drop dead gorgeous - HA!
She thinks she's popular - HA!
She thinks people like her - HAAAAAAA!
Her and her friends really need to face the facts.
People just don't like them in general. They're definitely not as awesome as they think they are.
Oh well.. I guess leaving high school will be a shock to them.. especially when no one gives a shit about their petty dramas. HA, & I'll be like "suck it up princess"

I'm off,
I have bulk homework to do.. Sadly...
& plus, I have nothing left to say tonight.. maybe something better tomorrow perhaps..
or not.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Secrets Revealed.

It's Marcus, Renee & Shelby..
In scrapbooking.
Marcus just tryed to attack us because he wanted his name to be first...
What a cool kid, ay?
Marcus: YESSS!!!!
Renee & Shelby: Noooooo.
Baddestest News ever, Me and Marcus's "show" has ended.. FOREVER!
So, we're going to admitt to our guilty pleasure.
The show is Call "The Latest Buzz"
& it's a kid show..
but we LOVE it!
or is it LOVEd it.
What type of a tv station would cancel our show?
The show that I raced home to see.
'Cause thats what coool kids do..
If you see it in any store, tell me, 'kay?
p.s. The picture at the top is of the show.
From Left: Michael Davies, Wilder, Amanda Pierce, Rebecca Harper & Noah Jackson (Relation to Michael Jackson maybe?).

So yeh.. We're sitting in scrapbooking.
Doing nothing.. Like usual.
Chatting about things that no one else really gives a shit about..
eg. Buzz & Michael Jackson!
We're going to take some photos on friday.. and post them on here!
exiting much?

Marcus & Renee are legends..
We just watched this scary movie in Science about the world ending.. I love it!
I was half expecting snow when I walked out of the room.
The teacher just saw and didn't even care? wow??
My guards are doing a GREAT job, NOT!
god. It scared the shit out of me.
Now I'm self conscience of any shadows I see from behind me.
wow. That sentence makes nooo sense?
& yes Marcus. Thats how you damn well spell Sense. GOSH!

Global Warming:
True or False?
My dad & Renee's dad reckon it's a load of crap.
Yet my science teacher seems to think otherwise..
So what will happen?
The earth is constantly changing, right?
Ice ages.. heat waves.. They come and go.. Why would one just kill us all?
Plus, It's just a theory.. nothings black & white.

Gotta go, evil teacher said we need to be doing something "Constructive"
I'll post one tonight, stay tuned..
Bye for now.. but not forever.

Smile with the sad.

At what point is it okay to say it's all too much?
At what point is it okay to give in to the pain, to the unspoken torment?
To admit that your in pain..
This question was on my mind a lot this year.
But I still don't know the answer.
At the moment, life seems to be okay. I feel like I'm apart of something for once.
Last year I was extremely happy. My bestfriend and his friend and I were like a close group.. It was always us... I always felt important, and was always happy.
Of course, seeing as all good things come to an end..
My bestfriend moved, and the group was no longer a group.
I was on my own again, group-less and alone.
Sure, since then I had found a new group.. I found another person that made me feel important, but yet again.. It all changed..
That kinda changed a couple of weeks ago.
I noticed that the people I hang around with seemed to enjoy my company a lot more than I thought.
& as soon as I realized that, I felt more.. happy?
I can't think of a word. but that pre much does it..
I still have moments when I feel alone, who doesn't?
I still have moments when I feel rejected, replaced and forgotten.
but who doesn't?

I know I'm not the only one who feels that way..
Recently, my friend pored out her heart to me and I was surprised that I could relate to what she said.
She was in a bad place.. Almost as bad as I was.
But I didn't say anything to anyone about how bad it got.
So at what point is it okay to say your not coping?
What advice could I give someone.. when I couldn't follow it myself?

Take the good with the bad,
smile with the sad,
love what you got
and remember what you had.
People change, things go wrong,
just remember, life goes on.

I've posted that poem before. But I'm going to post it again, because I love it so much.
It makes me feel better.
Things aren't always going to work.
Life wasn't meant to be easy.
So the best we can do is just cope.
& remember,
It has to get worse before it can get better.

Sorry for the "deep-ness"
p.s. The picture at the top has absolutely nothing to do with the topic..
It's my dream to be there one day,
plus.. I love the picture (:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Change is the one constant in our lives.

What could I say in this post?
I was going to post one about my friends,
But the truth is that I wouldn't know what to say.
My relationship with my friends seems to change daily..
One minute we'll be extremely close... Then the next It's like we were never friends.
It's funny how things can just change.
When I was little I just didn't get the concept that things change. I didn't want change.
Yet now I look forward to it?
Now I want change.
Reality hit me when my grandad died.
Things always change.

Change is the one constant in our lives.
All of us experience change in our lives,
is it better to fear the change or look forward to it?
One thing is for sure, things will not stay the same no matter how much we would like them too.
When change occurs, we can either despair that a change has come and assume that things will be worse, or we can look with excitement at the new possibilities that the change presents.
Time passes. Even when it does seem impossible. Time always passes.

One of my friends has a ring, it's gorgeous.
& around the outside it reads,
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
That's my new motto I think.
simply because it's just a beautiful, truthful quote.

I'm going, I have nothing left to say.
bye for now, but not forever.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Escaping Reality

It started off pretty boring.. with a bunch of people from my school that I didn't even like. It was boring.. They just sat there and drank..
The only reason they were there was because this chick invited them all, then didn't even show up.. so yeh, it was lame at first..
Then came my friend's work buddies, they were nice and I was surprised to find one of my school friends there, I thought he hated me.. but we seem to be friends again at the moment.
It was confusing for a while.. The people from my school on one side.. everyone else on the other (Me and the friend I thought hated me were on the side with all the people that weren't from my school..)
The started the chaos.
A bunch of randoms turned up, and were told to leave.. so the people from my school all left, but only to stand in front of my friends house.. bitching.. fighting.. hair pulling(literally).. until the cops turned up..
I stayed out the back with a bunch of people I didn't know.. yet I felt more comfortable then I was when I was with the people I did know.. Strange right?
I didn't have to be just some dork or whatever.. They didn't know anything about me and I didn't know much about them, yet it made it all the more fun.
I had a great time after that, made some friends.. who asked my friend for my number afterward (made me fell kinda spesh aha)
When everyone had left me and my friend started to clean. Putting the alcohol in the bin.. Sweeping.. etc.
Was a fun night (:
My friend wasn't too happy by the end though.. She's almost had it as tough as I have this year. But what advise can you give to someone, when you haven't even worked out your own problems? So I sympathized and gave the best advise I could.. The advise I am following myself. Focus on the future.

I got home early this morning.. at 9 (which is early if you were up pretty much all night)
I relaxed and studied all day. Which wasn't that bad, boring. yes. but wasn't non-enjoyable.
I watched "The sound of music"
It's kinda my favourite movie. Laugh or whatever, but I still love it.
I love that the men are gentlemen.
I love that they could wear dresses without it being "abnormal"
I love the romance..
The sudden, yet strong love.
& I love the music.. It's catchy.

School again tomorrow, I'm not dreading it surprisingly. Rove is on tonight; Me and Ashton loooovvvveeee it. hahaha, it's my favourite showww.
other then gossip girl.. or scrubs.
I want to see the second season of Gossip Girl! It's like the best show..
I also love the books. I have only two at the moment, but I'm collecting (:
Thats another thing you should know about me,
I love books,
I love escaping reality,
I love romances.
& circumstances that just don't happen in reality.
Books are Awesome.

I'm off.
I have nothing left to say in this post.
Follow me on this blog.
Follow my Twitter;

Friday, October 16, 2009

Bye bye 92.9

About A week ago, I decided what I wanted from life.
Well.. more what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be.
I never really knew what I wanted to do.. but now that I do, I feel exited? strangely..
I've had a hard year, yes. But it seems to make me more determined to get what I want in life, to make my dreams come true, to make my family proud of me.
So, I'm going to start trying harder at school. I'm going to make my dreams come true.
Wish me luck?

Today it is EXTREMELY hot..
I'm like melting..
I haven't got any plans for today, but at 6:30 I'm going to a party.. I'm exited 'cause it should be fun and apparently (Keyword) some hot guys are going.. but my friend invited these like snobs that I don't like.. I suppose I'll just have to deal with that aspect of it.. I'm still going to enjoy myself.. Why let them ruin it for me?

I can no longer listen to Hamish & Andy on the radio *tear*
Dad said it uses too much broadband.. bye bye 92.9
but ya know what?
I'm still going to listen to them on Friday..
I can't just stop listening to them altogether.
& Friday is the funniest anyways.
shame I can't everyday though..
I wish this stupid town had the damn station..
I never used to think this town had nothing.. I never wanted to move.
But recently I wish I could.

It's 10:30 and I'm still in my pjamas.. I was just invited to another party.. This one's during the day though, at 1:30..
wow, two party's in a day. aha, should be fun.
guess I'll be doing my homework tomorrow.
Stupid science.
Stupid health.
Hmm.. Didn't I just say I was going to focus more at school?
I suppose the keyword is AT school.
Plus. It's not like I'm doing science next year..
I'm doing Literature, History, Geography, Maths and Religion.

My last blog was a video of Hamish & Andy. Funny, right?
I apologise to anyone who is sick of hearing about Hamish & Andy.
but.. Suck it up.
'cause this is my blog, after all.
But seriously.. The video was hilarious hey?

Later on I'm going to post something other than about my daily life, something interesting and worth reading.. stay tuned.. should be posted sometime tomorrowwww.

I think I better go and get dressed.
So I at least look presentable if someone comes over.
Wow, Too late.. someone just got here..
p.s. I WILL post something interesting tomorrow.
bye for now.
Not forever.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Series of Images

"Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep people away, but to see who cares enough to tear down those walls"

Hey Bloggers;
I actually wrote a really long blog during a class at school today, but the teacher came round and I accidentally deleted it. Which just sucks.
Today was better than normal.. I actually didn't mind it so much. Hopefully the rest of the year will be the same.
School work was pre simple.. nothing complicated.. well.. nothing I can't handle.
Friendships stuck together, for the day..
No dramas.. well none that I actually give a shit about.
I found out there was actually a guy on earth.. thats HOT and not a MANWHORE.. (according to Nick) and I dibs him, although he's in Perth and I've never met him.. but whatever, hopefully one day I will.

Note to self: 31st of May is an important date.
My Tran's birthday.
Yeh I remembered for once.. are you proud My Tran?
(She gets mad at me 'cause I forget it, yet I can remember Hamish Blake's.. but only 'cause it's the same as my brothers..)

Have you ever done something you regret? I did.
Then told someone about it? I did.
& then they tell someone else? Sure did.
& you deny it? Indeed.
Why is it that nobody understands the meaning of friendship anymore?
I'm lucky, I have great friends. But sometimes it's like they just don't give a shit, they just forget about you.
I try to be a good friend; I listen to what they say, and try to help them as much as possible.. but when I need help, or someone to talk to.. Some of them just don't care.. I suppose thats life, friends come and go.

"You ever look a picture of yourself, and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you. How many moments of other peoples life have we been in. Were we a part of someone's life when their dream came true or were we there when their dream died. Did we keep trying to get in? As if we were somehow destined to be there or did the shot take us by surprise. Just think, you could be a big part of someone elses life, and not even know it."

^I really love that quote, it's from One Tree Hill and it's just really awesome, I wish I could write like that. Be able to pick up the simple things and write it so it sounds that good.. But I can't.. not yet anyway!

Quotes like "Most of our lives are a series of images, they pass us by like towns on a highway. But sometimes a moment stuns us as it happens and we know that this instant is more than a fleeting image. We know that this moment, every part of it, will live on forever" or "Things go by too quickly. We're so busy watching out for whats just ahead of us that we dont take the time to enjoy where we are." really make me think. Although I do complain a lot about the small dramas in my day-to-day life, I do try to appreciate what I have and who I have. This blog is only for my own entertainment, so that one day, I'll be able to look back on my thoughts and feelings (Can't keep a diary 'cause I just wouldn't write in it, but if I used this I can listen to Hamish & Andy as well as Myspace etc..) I don't really care how many followers I have or how many people read this anymore. This is for my own enjoyment.

Gosh, at first I didn't like this song, but it's kinda catchy.. and plus I've heard it so many times now I'm starting to like it. haha, listen to it.. Guy Sebastian - Like it like that.

MUST REMEMBER: Print Science Homework..
Watch me and Marcus's "show"

I wish someone would write me a song, like this guy on the radio.. how sweet is that?
Then he sang it on the radio, ahh.. thats just so sweet.

My new goal in life: To be extremely skinny, pretty and famous.
& I want to be insanely happy.
actually how about ecstatic. That's more then happy.
One day, these dreams will become a reality.
One day they will.

In my last blog I was talking about this chick that put a half naked picture of herself on the internet.. The picture has 45 comments on it and most of them are people saying they are discusted by it..
One person just posted one saying that everyone who think it's disgusting should grow up.
They need to grow up??
ha, something MUST be wrong with them if they think that its not disgusting..
But enough about that.. I'm sick of people talking about that picture *gag*

I don't really have anything to say, so I'm going to leave you with a story;

In Deep Shit
A bird was flying south for Winter, but he had left it too late and was frozen solid in a storm.
He dropped down into a pasture of cows.
The biggest, fattest cow was doing a crap there, and the bird landed in it.
At first he was disgusted, until he realised the poo was thawing him out!
He started crying out for joy as the ice melted.
A cat that was nearby heard the cries, walked over, saw the bird and ate it..

There are three morals to this story:
1. Not everyone who gets you into shit is your enemy.
2. Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
3. If you are in shit, keep your mouth shut.

Bye for now,
But not forever;

Apparently I'm interesting

Hey People;
So today one of my closest friends came up to me and said that she had read my blog and made a Google account just to follow me.. apparently she think's I'm rather interesting hahaha.
She was previously named in my last blog, her name is Renee Barndon and she is obsessed with Michael Jackson - to the MAXX!

When I asked her what I should write in my next blog.. she said that I should write about Hamish and Andy, seeing as I love them so much.. So here goes, this is what I know about them:

Hamish Donald Blake (born 11 December 1981) and Andrew Thomas "Andy" Lee (born 24 May 1981) are Australian comedians.
They met at the University of Melbourne, and after a few weeks into the semester they dropped out of university to pursue a career in comedy along side each other.

Actually.. I honestly can't be bothered doing this right now.. hahaha, 'cause I have to research and I'm too lazy for that.. so why don't I tell you about my day instead?
So today was pre lame..
Some of my teachers are just stupid..
whats the point of doing homework if they'r just gonna LET people copy my work? whats with that?
actually she didn't just LET them, she friggin' sugge,sted it. GOSH!
sometime school can be so stupid..
P.e. was embarrassing.. I discovered that I cannot serve in volleyball. I was terrible!

Favorite Song's at the moment:
Evacuate the Dancefloor - Cascada
This is who I am - Vanessa Amorosi
Secret - Samantha Jade

Anyway, back to my day..
It wasn't a bad day. Not too hot, nor too cold.
People were nice.. Well.. most of them, the people that count anyway.
I laughed lots, had some fun.
Although there were moments that upset me.. but what can ya do?
I suppose you have to take the good with the bad.
have you heard that poem?

Take the good with the bad,
smile with the sad,
love what you've got and remember what you had,
people change, things go wrong,
just remember. life goes on.
^I think that was it, I can't remember it word for word.

It's strange the things you forget.
I used to be able to tell you all those things like nouns, verbs.. etc..
But now, while I'm studying it for my exams..
I can't remember any of it?
I used to know it so well.. but it's just gone?
The information sounds familiar.
but how the hell am I going to do an exam on it? jeepers.

Some people have the most inappropriate pictures on the internet.
I used to be best friends with this chick, but things changed and we changed..
and eventually we stopped being friends.
I just looked at her pictures and she has this picture of her in a mankiny, or whatevs you call them..
like wow..?
and my gosh, she wasn't wearing anything under it.. It's rather.. gross?
The first thought that came to my mind was ew.
I felt physically sick that someone that was once such a huge part of my life, had changed into this. This person who would do that.. and put it on the internet. I mean, I might sound like some stingy tight ass or whatever, but would you want your friends doing that? posting themselves practically naked on Myspace.
I lost all respect I had for her, and soon everyone else will. Actually.. most of the people I've spoken to have said that they thought it was disgusting, just look at the comments under the photo.
Things change and people change. It's just the way it goes.

Ofcorse I'm listening to Hamish & Andy.
like always. but they kinda give me hope.. that if I work hard enough at school, if I just put up with the bitchiness of some of the people at my school. I could end up where they have, I could have an awesome job.. and know awesome people.
They're also the funniest people I've ever heard. maybe second to my dad though haha. He's pre funny.

I've been thinking about my future a lot lately. I'm exited. I'm not struggling at school and if I work hard enough I'll get into university and be able to do almost anything.
Journalism can open doors for me, it can lead to editing, publishing, radio hosting, tv presenting.. etc.
Which is why I want to be one.
& personally, I think it would be a fun job.. Instead of having to see the dull side of life, the pain, the hurt and all the problems with the world, I could be enjoying my job.
That kinda sounds greedy I suppose, but to be honest, after this year, I can't take anymore pain.
So why not enjoy the rest of my life?
Or at least till 2012, 'cause "apparently" the worlds going to end then. I reckon it's a load of crap.. Stupid people.

I'm looking at pictures of my cousin on Myspace. I'm so lucky to have her. I've grown up with her. My best memories are all with her. Her name is Sammy-bob. She's a year or two younger then me but she's like a bestfriend to me. I think we become closer and closer every year.
We used to see each other every holidays. but as we got older, her and her brother were unable to come up as often, with my grandparents getting older it got harder.
We then started talking over the computer, through MSN and Myspace and are now closer then ever. I love her (:

Now, as promised.. I will write a paragraph about my friend Renee. Seeing as she said she liked my blog, so she obviously deserves more than just a simple mention.
I've known Renee for years, ever since pre-primary. I invited her to every birthday party I've ever had.. seriously..
When we got into high school we didn't talk as much but this year we became close again as she was in my SOSE class and scrap booking, we also shared a liking(on my behalf.. She LOVES him) of the late Michael Jackson. We listened to his songs while in class. 'cause we're rebel. She is a great and very supporting friend and she doesn't judge my obsession with Hamish and Andy.
I love Renee Barndon♥

Wow. Ever watched that show "Dexter"?
Frig mann.. that is the most creepiest show..
The guy is like a cop, but he's secretly the murderer.
Its fudging scary man! and they have voiceover's of his thoughts,
its like, "and then I thought.. maybe this was a sign from god to keep killing"
does not sound disturbing?
what has happened to the tv these day's.. they took off all the stuff worth watching.
Nothing I can do about it though.

EXCITEMENT: OH MY GOSH! Apparently Stephanie Meyer is bringing out MIDNIGHT SUN (Twilight in Edward's point of view.. It's awesome.. Way better then Twilight.. but I've only read the first half on the internet - the one put on by Stephanie Meyer)
Yes. I'm one of those Edward Cullen die hard fans.. what can I say? He's perfect.
Wheres my Edward?
He makes normal guys just look, soo much more pathetic..

I saw a guy today that I used to be really good friends with, he was like a bestfriend, infact, he was my first crush. But eventually we stopped talking.. Last year I saw him again.. and WOW! he was friggin' hot! I got his number, off a friend, who got it off her friend.. talked to him for a while.. but eventually we stopped talking again.. things were just different I guess.. Today I saw him again.. and BAMM! He was even more gorgeous.. I didn't even realize it was him at first, till dad pointed him out and said how different he looked.
It's a shame I stopped talking to him.
should have persisted. Never know what could have happened.
Although apparently he's like a man-whore now. So maybe not..

Well.. I'm off. I'm probably boring anyone who's still reading.
& If you are still reading?
P.S. The picture at the top, left. Is kinda how I think of Edward.. It's the only picture of Robert Pattinson that looks like Edward (: In my opinion that is..
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