C'est la vie. C'est comme ca.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Like I never Existed.

There is this this girl in my year that I really don't like.
Normally I just dislike a few people.
but I strongly STRONGLY dislike her (Hates too strong a word to use on anyone)
The feeling is neutral though.
She gives me like a death stare every time I see her..
& today she deliberately didn't sit with her friend (who also doesn't like her, but pretends to.. God only knows why?) because I was sitting behind her.
what a fool.
She is also a huge TEASE.. She flirts with every guy she sees.. & wayyyyy over the top.
Nobody likes her.. Even her bestfriend bitches about her to me..
But why stay hanging out with her?
I hope somebody tells me if I ever get that... annoying, not that that word covers it..

I seem to bitch about a lot of people on this blog.. but ya know what?
This is how I vent.
A public diary, for the world to see.
Because the world needs to feel my pain, hahaha.
Not that I've had any huge dramas recently..
Except in English..
My teacher got so mad at the class that she just didn't teach us.
& it pissed me off because it doesn't matter to anyone else in my class as much as me..
My exam score determines whether I can do literature next year..
So I was contemplating whether I should go see the deputy principal and ask them to do something about it..
drama queen much?
The thing is, the next couple of years determines my whole future.
So yeh, I'll do what I need to, to get where I want to be.
Luckily, my teacher arranged a new seating plan.. hopefully this will work.

It's finally Friday,
& I'm oddly tired.. School has just drained me this week..
Too much to think about!
Tomorrow should be good.
Going to my friends house tomorrow night. For his birthday.
Talking my parents into letting me go was definitely a challenge.
We compromised,
Until today.. When mum said that I can't go unless she comes in and checks whats going on.
I was like, "your kidding me, right?"
& of course. She said she was serious and if I didn't like it then I couldn't go.
Who the hell goes to a party? and brings their mother?
Oh god.
Well. That will be embarrassing.
Ha, I also found out today that we have to do this cancer council survey thing.. and they are going to weigh us.. and... MEASURE OUR WAIST'S!!!
We were in R.E(Religious Education) and the class was silent.
until I randomly said "Oh god" Then I rephrased, remembering I was in R.E and said "I mean, Oh gosh"
What the hell? or heaven maybe..
What type of teenage girl wants to be measured around the waist?.. unless your super skinny that is..
Also, today we were in scrapbooking.. and one of the boys in my class and I were looking at pictures.. Until we came across this rather pornographic picture of the guys from "all time low" (I'll put the picture at the top of this post)
So.. My other friend and I, decided to put it as his wallpaper.. (he's gay.. I think..)
He was laughing.. and we were laughing.. and it was all fun and games..
The teacher came around. You should have seen the shock on her face..
She asked him why he was looking at half naked men, and he replied by saying I WAS!
So, I denied it. It was instinct..
Then he continued to say..
"Of course this isn't mine! I like watermelons! I'm a MAN!!! I don't like Bananas.. I'm a man.. and MEN LIKE WATERMELONS!"
Holy shiz.. Me and my friend could hardly breath we were laughing so much. He also said that with hand actions..

It's funny(not really funny but whatev) how things can change so fast.
How one minute you can be so close with someone, then the next it's like you were never friends..
Then they replace you. Forget you. Move on.
Well, I've had 2 people do that to me in the last couple of weeks.
& now they'r like bestfriends.
Doing all the things I used to do with them.
It makes you feel as if your not good enough for them..
How can it be that easy to be forgotten?
"people change, things go wrong"

Enough about my day anyway..
I would REALLY like to know how people do those picture.. Ya know how there are those pictures with like some bits are hell colorful, while others are black and white.. It looks so good.. If you do it the right way.
Anyway, I'm off..

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