C'est la vie. C'est comme ca.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Apparently I'm interesting

Hey People;
So today one of my closest friends came up to me and said that she had read my blog and made a Google account just to follow me.. apparently she think's I'm rather interesting hahaha.
She was previously named in my last blog, her name is Renee Barndon and she is obsessed with Michael Jackson - to the MAXX!

When I asked her what I should write in my next blog.. she said that I should write about Hamish and Andy, seeing as I love them so much.. So here goes, this is what I know about them:

Hamish Donald Blake (born 11 December 1981) and Andrew Thomas "Andy" Lee (born 24 May 1981) are Australian comedians.
They met at the University of Melbourne, and after a few weeks into the semester they dropped out of university to pursue a career in comedy along side each other.

Actually.. I honestly can't be bothered doing this right now.. hahaha, 'cause I have to research and I'm too lazy for that.. so why don't I tell you about my day instead?
So today was pre lame..
Some of my teachers are just stupid..
whats the point of doing homework if they'r just gonna LET people copy my work? whats with that?
actually she didn't just LET them, she friggin' sugge,sted it. GOSH!
sometime school can be so stupid..
P.e. was embarrassing.. I discovered that I cannot serve in volleyball. I was terrible!

Favorite Song's at the moment:
Evacuate the Dancefloor - Cascada
This is who I am - Vanessa Amorosi
Secret - Samantha Jade

Anyway, back to my day..
It wasn't a bad day. Not too hot, nor too cold.
People were nice.. Well.. most of them, the people that count anyway.
I laughed lots, had some fun.
Although there were moments that upset me.. but what can ya do?
I suppose you have to take the good with the bad.
have you heard that poem?

Take the good with the bad,
smile with the sad,
love what you've got and remember what you had,
people change, things go wrong,
just remember. life goes on.
^I think that was it, I can't remember it word for word.

It's strange the things you forget.
I used to be able to tell you all those things like nouns, verbs.. etc..
But now, while I'm studying it for my exams..
I can't remember any of it?
I used to know it so well.. but it's just gone?
The information sounds familiar.
but how the hell am I going to do an exam on it? jeepers.

Some people have the most inappropriate pictures on the internet.
I used to be best friends with this chick, but things changed and we changed..
and eventually we stopped being friends.
I just looked at her pictures and she has this picture of her in a mankiny, or whatevs you call them..
like wow..?
and my gosh, she wasn't wearing anything under it.. It's rather.. gross?
The first thought that came to my mind was ew.
I felt physically sick that someone that was once such a huge part of my life, had changed into this. This person who would do that.. and put it on the internet. I mean, I might sound like some stingy tight ass or whatever, but would you want your friends doing that? posting themselves practically naked on Myspace.
I lost all respect I had for her, and soon everyone else will. Actually.. most of the people I've spoken to have said that they thought it was disgusting, just look at the comments under the photo.
Things change and people change. It's just the way it goes.

Ofcorse I'm listening to Hamish & Andy.
like always. but they kinda give me hope.. that if I work hard enough at school, if I just put up with the bitchiness of some of the people at my school. I could end up where they have, I could have an awesome job.. and know awesome people.
They're also the funniest people I've ever heard. maybe second to my dad though haha. He's pre funny.

I've been thinking about my future a lot lately. I'm exited. I'm not struggling at school and if I work hard enough I'll get into university and be able to do almost anything.
Journalism can open doors for me, it can lead to editing, publishing, radio hosting, tv presenting.. etc.
Which is why I want to be one.
& personally, I think it would be a fun job.. Instead of having to see the dull side of life, the pain, the hurt and all the problems with the world, I could be enjoying my job.
That kinda sounds greedy I suppose, but to be honest, after this year, I can't take anymore pain.
So why not enjoy the rest of my life?
Or at least till 2012, 'cause "apparently" the worlds going to end then. I reckon it's a load of crap.. Stupid people.

I'm looking at pictures of my cousin on Myspace. I'm so lucky to have her. I've grown up with her. My best memories are all with her. Her name is Sammy-bob. She's a year or two younger then me but she's like a bestfriend to me. I think we become closer and closer every year.
We used to see each other every holidays. but as we got older, her and her brother were unable to come up as often, with my grandparents getting older it got harder.
We then started talking over the computer, through MSN and Myspace and are now closer then ever. I love her (:

Now, as promised.. I will write a paragraph about my friend Renee. Seeing as she said she liked my blog, so she obviously deserves more than just a simple mention.
I've known Renee for years, ever since pre-primary. I invited her to every birthday party I've ever had.. seriously..
When we got into high school we didn't talk as much but this year we became close again as she was in my SOSE class and scrap booking, we also shared a liking(on my behalf.. She LOVES him) of the late Michael Jackson. We listened to his songs while in class. 'cause we're rebel. She is a great and very supporting friend and she doesn't judge my obsession with Hamish and Andy.
I love Renee Barndon♥

Wow. Ever watched that show "Dexter"?
Frig mann.. that is the most creepiest show..
The guy is like a cop, but he's secretly the murderer.
Its fudging scary man! and they have voiceover's of his thoughts,
its like, "and then I thought.. maybe this was a sign from god to keep killing"
does not sound disturbing?
what has happened to the tv these day's.. they took off all the stuff worth watching.
Nothing I can do about it though.

EXCITEMENT: OH MY GOSH! Apparently Stephanie Meyer is bringing out MIDNIGHT SUN (Twilight in Edward's point of view.. It's awesome.. Way better then Twilight.. but I've only read the first half on the internet - the one put on by Stephanie Meyer)
Yes. I'm one of those Edward Cullen die hard fans.. what can I say? He's perfect.
Wheres my Edward?
He makes normal guys just look, soo much more pathetic..

I saw a guy today that I used to be really good friends with, he was like a bestfriend, infact, he was my first crush. But eventually we stopped talking.. Last year I saw him again.. and WOW! he was friggin' hot! I got his number, off a friend, who got it off her friend.. talked to him for a while.. but eventually we stopped talking again.. things were just different I guess.. Today I saw him again.. and BAMM! He was even more gorgeous.. I didn't even realize it was him at first, till dad pointed him out and said how different he looked.
It's a shame I stopped talking to him.
should have persisted. Never know what could have happened.
Although apparently he's like a man-whore now. So maybe not..

Well.. I'm off. I'm probably boring anyone who's still reading.
& If you are still reading?
P.S. The picture at the top, left. Is kinda how I think of Edward.. It's the only picture of Robert Pattinson that looks like Edward (: In my opinion that is..
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bye bloggers (:

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