C'est la vie. C'est comme ca.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Days without listening to Hamish&Andy: 4.
This withdrawal is harder then I first thought.
I am sooo tempted to click "Listen" on the site.
No Shelby. NO.
Oh, hell with it.
I'm listening to it tomorrow.. & no one can stop me!
except maybe dad.. or the broadband company..

I honestly don't know what to write in this post.. I've been sitting here for at least 20 minutes and I can't think of a simple interesting thing to say...
My day was pretty average. School work, friends, school work, worry, school work..
Nothing out of the ordinary..

Most girls used to dream of fairytales..
Used to dream of their own prince charmings,
yet now, strangely.. A lot of girls are dreaming of Vampires or Werewolves..
All thanks to Stephanie Meyer..
& sadly, I am one of those girls. One of the many crazed fans all across the world, obsessing over a fictional character, Edward Cullen. A Vampire that seems to make all other guys look pathetic.
Whats not to love about him?
He's perfect.. sure, a tad obsessive.. But who doesn't want to be obsessed over by a hot guy?
I'm the book fan, I'm not so fond of the movie, although, saying that.. I did buy the movie.
Robert Pattinson is NOTHING like Edward..
Kirsten Steward is NOTHING like Bella, infact.. She's kinda of annoying..
I love the books.. I'm hoping Stephanie Meyer brings out Midnight Sun. It's definitely my favorite in the saga.. Fingers crossed..
I personally think that books and writing are two of the best inventions of man.
They give a chance to escape reality.. To enter a world where anything is possible. I can be anyone I want, anything I want. I don't get how people can not like reading?
I think that they're just too lazy..
Although, if the first book you read was dead boring.. I suppose you wouldn't be fond of it.

Wow, I just saw the most wannabe picture I've ever seen in my life. It's so pathetic its sad..
She's in my year - and no.. not the same one that was posting Myspace porn..
But she's extremely up-herself.
She thinks she's drop dead gorgeous - HA!
She thinks she's popular - HA!
She thinks people like her - HAAAAAAA!
Her and her friends really need to face the facts.
People just don't like them in general. They're definitely not as awesome as they think they are.
Oh well.. I guess leaving high school will be a shock to them.. especially when no one gives a shit about their petty dramas. HA, & I'll be like "suck it up princess"

I'm off,
I have bulk homework to do.. Sadly...
& plus, I have nothing left to say tonight.. maybe something better tomorrow perhaps..
or not.

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