C'est la vie. C'est comme ca.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Happiness, loneliness, rejection and fun

Hahahaha, that previously mentioned slutty photo I mentioned is making me laugh, gosh.
Well.. not the picture, the comments..
Theres all these people saying that theres nothing wrong with it and they're just jealous.
ha, I. Think. Not.
I was going to report the picture.
But it's honestly not worth the effort.. The girl in the picture has already labelled herself a slut.
& her "friends" that are saying nothing is wrong with it, don't seem to be very good friends.
If she was my bestfriend, I would MAKE her take off the picture. Because I care about my friends.
Speaking of friends,
I've really learnt who my true friends are this week.
I've learnt that you have to adjust to the changes, in the people and the situations.
& if you can do that, you end up being pretty happy.
This weekend was a lot of fun, firstly.. I relaxed on Saturday, which was great as I was completely run down from school.
On Saturday night I went to my friends house, for a "gathering" which was the word I used to describe the evening to my parents when asking to go.
& on Sunday I went to the beach with my family.
In my books, this is a perfect weekend..
I would describe in more detail, but I honestly can't be bothered.

Today, I found out that the lemonade I was drinking on Saturday, was spiked.. with Vodka.
nice friends, right?
other than that.. the average day...
happiness, loneliness, rejection and fun.

I'm starting to worry about my career choice.. What if I haven't got what it takes?
I read things my friends have wrote.. and mine just don't compare.
Mine aren't as well written, or as.. perfect.
Why can't I just have something? Just one talent..
Life has been a downer.. until I decided what I wanted to do..
but now that I'm going back to worrying..
what have I got left?
Other than My family.. My family is the one thing that seems to keep me going, I feel safe, happy, hopeful when I'm around them.. yet when I'm not, I feel as if I'm going to fall apart..
Everyday I'm being judged, rejected, forgotten, replaced.. and the sad part is that I'm getting used to it.
I'm getting used to my friends just forgetting me when someone new comes along. I'm getting used to being unimportant and unappreciated.
What would happen if I died? Would these people start to realize my importance.. or just say..
"oh well.. I had nothing to do with it"
No, I'm not contemplating suicide.. DON'T WORRY! (:
I'm far too scared of blood and pain and hurting my family and friends.
But I do wonder.
What would a world without me be like?
In the past year I've learnt the importance of appreciating what you have.
looking on the brighter side of life.. and appreciating where I am in my life now.. instead of where I will be.
(still working on the last part)
I just wish that more people could understand that.. before It's too late.
I wish I had of understood before my Grandad, Nana and Uncle's died.
Because I would give almost anything, to just be able to tell them I love them.
& show them how much they'll be missed.
So to all my friends reading this blog; I love you.
& any randoms reading this; I'm sure someone loves you too.

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