C'est la vie. C'est comme ca.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Today:Blog, Tomorrow:World Domination

I've finally decided to start a blog. But what do I write? What could I say that would be interesting to someone else? Someone I'll never meet.

So instead, I'm going to use this blog as a diary..

Today was the last day of the holidays.. The last day of freedom, well... for my brother anyway. I still have tomorrow, but it's not like I'll be doing anything interesting...
I went on a family outing.. like I do most weekends. Sometimes I prefer being with them over my friends, simply because I have no expectations to live up to, I'm in my comfort zone.
Plus, it's not like It'll always be like this, one day I won't get to spend as much time with them.. So why not enjoy it while it lasts?

There's also something about just being with my family that makes you forget everything. About the problems facing outside this family comfort zone.. issues with friendships.. schoolwork that needs to be done.. decisions about the future.. It all seems irrelevant when your enjoying yourself.
The day seemed free of issues, free of hassles.
After a long day out we finally got home, I rested in my normal spot in front of the computer and checked all my social networks. Myspace, Twitter, Facebook..
I found that my friend request to Hamish Blake (an Australian comedian and my current obsession) had been accepted. I almost jumped out of my skin, although I knew that it was more than likely not him.. But it still exited me. On Twitter I discovered that Miley Cyrus had deleted her account. Why would you care? you might be thinking.. Well to be honest I don't actually care, but I suppose I did get some enjoyment reading her "tweets" and finding out that celebrities aren't some sort of "superhuman", discovering that they are just as boring as the rest of us.. except they have more money.

People keep saying I get over-obsessed with things, for example The Twilight Saga, Gossip Girl and now Hamish & Andy. But I don't think there's anything wrong with that.. is there? I mean, what's wrong with showing appreciation towards something or someone that I like? It's not like I'm the type of creepy obsessor that chases them down and stuff like that.. I just do stuff like decorate my Myspace around them and stuff like that. I guess people are just weird in general... or maybe I'm the weird one?

I think I'm going to start up another blog, for things other than my daily dramas.
Then I'll proceed to world domination.

I think I've said enough for my first blog. Boring; yes. Sorry about that. I'll make the next one more entertaining. Promise (:

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