C'est la vie. C'est comme ca.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Secrets Revealed.

It's Marcus, Renee & Shelby..
In scrapbooking.
Marcus just tryed to attack us because he wanted his name to be first...
What a cool kid, ay?
Marcus: YESSS!!!!
Renee & Shelby: Noooooo.
Baddestest News ever, Me and Marcus's "show" has ended.. FOREVER!
So, we're going to admitt to our guilty pleasure.
The show is Call "The Latest Buzz"
& it's a kid show..
but we LOVE it!
or is it LOVEd it.
What type of a tv station would cancel our show?
The show that I raced home to see.
'Cause thats what coool kids do..
If you see it in any store, tell me, 'kay?
p.s. The picture at the top is of the show.
From Left: Michael Davies, Wilder, Amanda Pierce, Rebecca Harper & Noah Jackson (Relation to Michael Jackson maybe?).

So yeh.. We're sitting in scrapbooking.
Doing nothing.. Like usual.
Chatting about things that no one else really gives a shit about..
eg. Buzz & Michael Jackson!
We're going to take some photos on friday.. and post them on here!
exiting much?

Marcus & Renee are legends..
We just watched this scary movie in Science about the world ending.. I love it!
I was half expecting snow when I walked out of the room.
The teacher just saw and didn't even care? wow??
My guards are doing a GREAT job, NOT!
god. It scared the shit out of me.
Now I'm self conscience of any shadows I see from behind me.
wow. That sentence makes nooo sense?
& yes Marcus. Thats how you damn well spell Sense. GOSH!

Global Warming:
True or False?
My dad & Renee's dad reckon it's a load of crap.
Yet my science teacher seems to think otherwise..
So what will happen?
The earth is constantly changing, right?
Ice ages.. heat waves.. They come and go.. Why would one just kill us all?
Plus, It's just a theory.. nothings black & white.

Gotta go, evil teacher said we need to be doing something "Constructive"
I'll post one tonight, stay tuned..
Bye for now.. but not forever.

1 comment:

  1. holy fuck im way too old to watch this too but i love that show; i cant believe its over.
