C'est la vie. C'est comme ca.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Hey People.

Today was the first day back at school & yes.. as I predicted, it was completely and utterly lame.
with the exception that one of my best friends joined my group. yewwwww (:
however, I did learn that while I was watching a movie with my friends on the holidays.. they were... they were... "doing stuff"
rude much? haha

Also today I had to listen to the most boring speech ever given. No joke.
I swear I didn't understand A WORD he said. It was like he was talking to older people. I tried extremely hard to pay attention but had no luck. I just got even more confused.
I actually had a pretty good day today..
except for the fact that I heard some chick saying "she's such a bitch!"
Then she turned and looked at me, aha, Nooo.. not obvious at all!
Oh well. It's not like I care about her opinion on me. Everyone hates her anyway.
I also discovered that I can access this blog through the school computers.. So I'll probably post one in journalism. Just to be Rebel.

Listening to Hamish & Andy at the moment.
Yeh I know I'm sad. whatever. Deal with it. I'll obsess over whatever and whoever I like.

Hands up if you hate homework!
*puts up hand*
Hands up if you have loads on your first day back!
*puts up hand*
jeepers freakin' creepers, why the hell do teachers give us so much homework?

I think when I leave school I want to be a radio host(No, not because of Hamish & Andy)
But seriously, how awesome would it be? listening to music and talking.. and getting payed for it?
totally awesome, right?
Well.. I think so anyway (:

I honestly don't know what to say?
D'you ever have moments when everything feels wrong? When nothing feels right?
This year I've had a lot of those moments..
earlier this year my uncle died.. which was a devastating.
Then, in the same month, my grandad died.. I was close to him and was completely heartbroken when he died..
THEN, the next month.. my great Nana died.. she lived to 100.
how do you cope with something like that?
how do you learn to deal with it?
I don't think it's possible to completely move on..
every time I think of my grandad I start crying.
Whats the point of me saying this?
Well.. I don't think there is one.. except I'm learning to appreciate what I have, a healthy family and friends as well as my own health.. and I think more people need to learn to appreciate what they have.
This is deep man.. haha.

At the moment I'm listening to 92.9.. Like I always seem to be doing when I post these blogs...
I really wish the station was on here, so that I could just listen to it into my room instead of on the internet. It would be so much easier.

OH MY GOSH!!! Renee is more obsessed with Michael Jackson then I am with Hamish & Andy! suck on that people that think I'm to over-obsessive!
hahahaha, frig I love her. She's such a cool kid.

I'm going.
I'll post a better blog tonight;
Follow me?
bye bloggerrrssssss..

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